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The Humanities in Our Lives

Snow College presents the free seminar series that delves into the impact that the humanities has on our lives. Admission is free—expand your horizons with us at "The Humanities in Our Lives" seminar series.

All seminars will take place on a Wednesday from 3:30 to 4:20 pm.

Seminar Speakers

January 29
No seminar this week.

Location: HUM 102

February 5
Andrew Bashford, What Are You Going to Do with That? Building a Business with an English Degree

Location: HUM 102

February 12
No seminar this week.

Location: GSC

February 19
No seminar this week.

Location: HU 102

February 26
No seminar this week.

Location: HU 102

March 5
No seminar this week.(Spring Break)

Location: HU 102

March 12
Kathy Fellers Work and Writing: Laboring Class Writers of the 18th Century

Location: HU 102

March 19
Irish Literature Reading, by the Literature Area in the English and Philosophy Department

Location: HU 102

MArch 26
Jeannie Kleinhans and Udambor Bumandalai How to make the most of TESOL (or any) Convention.

Location: HU 102

April 2
Harunori Miyagi TESL 1997, The Benefits of Studying Abroad.

Location: HU 102

April 9
ENGL 2940 Students (Bashford), The Value of Earning a Writing Certificate.

Location: HU 102

April 16

Location: HU 102

Join Remotely

Can't make it in person? Join remotely through Microsoft Teams.

Scan the QR Code or click here to join the most current seminar. A live broadcast will begin within 5 minutes of the beginning of the seminar.

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